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1909, 2023

Charlotte Smith Editor of BBC Music Magazine

By |September 19th, 2023|

Charlotte Smith Editor of BBC Music Magazine To appreciate fully all that the island of Spetses has to offer, it’s important to see it from the back of a moped. It’s from this vantage point that I find myself taking in clear, azure waters, fragrant pines, bright white sailing boats, and the many intimate coves and beaches, as my guide – architect and president of the Anargyrios and Korgialenios [...]

507, 2023

Beethoven: Piano Sonata Op. 57 in f minor ‘ Appassionata’

By |July 5th, 2023|

Beethoven: Piano Sonata Op. 57 in f minor ' Appassionata'The Music Academy of the Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses inaugurated its recently acquired grand piano on the 3rd of June with a recital given by the exceptional young pianist Konstantinos Destounis.It was an outstanding event, attended among others by the alumni of the School.

206, 2023

The Music Academy of Spetses raises the bar! Music Masterclasses for young musicians from around the world, July 24 – August 2

By |June 2nd, 2023|

  The Music Academy of Spetses raises the bar! Music Masterclasses for young musicians from around the world, July 24 - August 2 Ten days of high-quality music masterclasses for young musicians from all over the world, from July 24 to August 2, 2023, with internationally renowned music teachers. Something new, pioneering for our country, is being created in Spetses by the International Music Academy of the Anargyros and Korgialenios School [...]

2803, 2023

An interview with Jean-Eric SOUCY

By |March 28th, 2023|

An interview with Jean-Eric SOUCY 1) In general, what do you think that masterclasses have to offer to a young musician? It's a unique opportunity to be intensely in contact with other musicians, opinions, backgrounds, in a close environment dedicated to music and only music, with no distraction. Often, one gets the feeling that those 10 days were like 2, but the effects on the long term are [...]

509, 2022

MAAKSS Music initiation for the children of Spetses

By |September 5th, 2022|

  The Athens State Orchestra accompanied some of our most talented student soloists at a memorable performance at the open Theater of Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses. During months of 2022/2023 the Music Academy offers to the children of Spetses a music initiation class from age of 18 months- 11 years old.MAAKSS would like to thank the Potamiano Family for its kind support to this class. [...]

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